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Netsam Participaties finds its origins in chain integration solutions. Since 2006 we focus as an innovation investor on technical IT businesses. We build partnerships with our portfolio companies. We understand their challenges and in that way we add value to their business goals.

Based in The Hague, The Nederlands.

Service Team of 6 members.

Proven Track Record.


Current business models are limited by existing standards and processes, legacy and old school thinking. Netsam Participaties strongly believes in the digital age. The impact of digitalization generate opportunities. We invest in these opportunities to create future business.

Flexible Approach

Each company has its own challenges to overcome and its unique opportunities. To get the best out of investments we believe in tailormade partnerships.

Partnerships and Network

Having a great (technical) solution is a first step to success. By opening our network and building strong partnerships we elevate our Participations to the next level.


?In the future every business is an IT-business.? That?s why digitisation requires rethinking how we do business in the first place. New business models are created and old ones obsoleted.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Next to making a profit, Netsam Participaties believes in creating sustainable solutions.

Flexible Approach

Each company has its own challenges to overcome and its unique opportunities. To get the best out of investments we believe in tailormade partnerships.

Partnerships & Network

Having a great (technical) solution is a first step to success. By opening our network and building strong partnerships we elevate our Participations to the next level.


?In the future every business is an IT-business.? That?s why digitisation requires rethinking how we do business in the first place. New business models are created and old ones obsoleted.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Next to making a profit, Netsam Participaties believes in creating sustainable solutions.


We seek companies in which we can add value through our entrepreneurial experience, specialism, services and network. We strongly believe that the entrepreneur or management team of a potential investment is essential to the success of that company.

IT & Tech

IT and Tech is in our DNA. We invest in companies that contribute to the simplification of business to business processes.

?3.0 M revenue

We participate in profitable companies with a clear business model and proven growth potential. We seek a significant share (minority or majority).

Growth Capital & Buy-Out

Helping companies explore and reach their next stage by capital, business services, business insights and network.


We primarily select investments on skills and a proven track record of the leadership team and key employees. Lorem ipsum Quibusdam eveniet ut eos rerum incididunt eu aperiam voluptatem ut non provident dolor dolorum ut et quod voluptatibus quas tempor reiciendis veniam provident hic veritatis exercitation placeat.
Abbie Carter Abbie Carter Bussineswoman Lorem ipsum Quibusdam eveniet ut eos rerum incididunt eu aperiam voluptatem ut non provident dolor dolorum ut et quod voluptatibus quas tempor reiciendis veniam provident hic veritatis exercitation placeat.
Dominic Pelletier Dominic Pelletier Hotel Manager Lorem ipsum Quibusdam eveniet ut eos rerum incididunt eu aperiam voluptatem ut non provident dolor dolorum ut et quod voluptatibus quas tempor reiciendis veniam provident hic veritatis exercitation placeat.
Lola Bailey Lola Bailey Housewife Lorem ipsum Quibusdam eveniet ut eos rerum incididunt eu aperiam voluptatem ut non provident dolor dolorum ut et quod voluptatibus quas tempor reiciendis veniam provident hic veritatis exercitation placeat.
Alfie Robertson Alfie Robertson Bussinesman Lorem ipsum Quibusdam eveniet ut eos rerum incididunt eu aperiam voluptatem ut non provident dolor dolorum ut et quod voluptatibus quas tempor reiciendis veniam provident hic veritatis exercitation placeat.
Lilly Jones Lilly Jones Student College

Netsam Participaties finds its origins in chain integration solutions. Since 2006 we focus as an innovation investor on technical IT businesses.

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  • 123-456-7890
  • Prinses Catharina-Amaliastraat 5 2496 XD The Hague

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